Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

Teach me Lord

Lord,Teach me to be a more mature and resilient 
With exercises that you provide.

Lord,Teach me to be grateful 

To receive all that You giveBe it happiness or sadness.

Lord,Teach me to always be humble and not talk about myself to others, 

 Teach me not to be selfish, do not want to always be respected and cherished.

Lord,Teach me not to be jealous and can receive the benefits and successes of others 

when I myself was drowning.

Lord,Teach me to share their concerns, my love and good fortune 

for those who lack, hunger, pain and loneliness.

Lord,Teach me to be able to receive a sense 

of emptiness, loneliness, feeling abandoned and it him as a sacrifice to Thee my. 
Teach me to be more patient and not in all my actions and emotions of those around me.

Lord,Teach me to be able to do the job and my activities with lots 

of love because it is a blessing from you.
Lord,Teach me to be myself,
accept myself, which You have created a very good, 
and do not let me disturbed by other people's opinions about me.

Above all, 

O Lord,Teach me to love You more and more from day to day, and give it all to you just so no worries in my life.

 Tempers your will O Father, 
because that's the most beautiful to me.Amen.

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