Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010

Outpouring of Love

I always hear your call. None of the calls that have escaped from the hearing. Many people in this world called out to me, but oh how few people are willing to wait to hear me talking to them and their souls. Words in responding to their cries very meaningful for me

My words are life. Think hear my words meant finding life, recovery and strength.Believe me in everything. The love that poured out in all things will really bring Bena quick results.

Carry my will and let ME fulfill your will.Treat me as King once Savior, but also with familiarity like to Person whom you are loved.

Obey the command that I've given you bored with no-bosanya, with diligent, loving, hopeful, and with faith,then every problem will be alleviated, the various factors of poverty will be overcome, and everyone who knows you'll know you'll know that I AM the LORD GOD.

Outpouring of kindness.

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