Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010
"And finally, be ye all unanimous, empathize, to love the brethren, loving and humble, and do not repay evil with evil, or scorn with scorn, but on the contrary, be blessed, to which indeed you were called, namely to obtain a blessing. "(1 Pet. 3:8-9)
The Apostle Peter explains that God's people are called to be a blessing. In the original language, the words "a blessing" comes from the word "eulogia" which consists of the words eu (good) and logia (speech). So, in a simple sense is a good word and build others. When Peter explained the meaning of this word, then the most basic step is whether our words are good words, build and integrate with each other. In the context of modern and postmodern world debate, we can see the church struggle to exist in this vocation. For the context of modern people, their strength is power in words. The modern world is very concerned with words, then no wonder we are seeing events talk show is very popular because it uses and toying with words. By glorifying logos (word or knowledge), the modern world to develop itself into one logos, which emphasizes his own voice. Own words without the need to fellowship with others, home based logic. In the midst of the hustle and noise of human voices, came a strong voice, the voice of a winner, thinkers, rulers. This is characteristic of modern world leaders, namely onelogos. These figures are glorified by the modern world as the voices that are single. They became a voice that could provide leadership and direction extraordinary. But consequently, lead to individualism and not give room for the role of the community. This is a challenge for the life of the church in call to be a blessing. The question is whether the church should follow the modern world becomes onelogos?
The Church has one main characteristic, namely the words to be delivered. The next challenge is the postmodern world. They opened the way for all voices. For example, first within the family, the voice of a father being a monologos in families. When he speaks, no one dared to argue with, and no communication. But now, everyone in the house dared to speak. But each one has nothing to do, so be anti-logos. Because of technological developments, our world today is the web, namely the network. Networking seems that there relationship but it is not. Our world is filled with so much information. But too much information makes no sense that in and its relation to one another. For example, the paper gives a lot of headlines with the news that are not relevant. This phenomenon makes the reader feel already knew a lot but really shallow. How the church can respond to these challenges?
Without eulogia, partnerships will become apparent. Each spoke for themselves. Or all the talk, but without a relationship and fellowship. Each feels entitled to speak but was trapped in onelogos or anti-logos. This in turn affects the formation of the concept of spirituality: does onelogos, web, or eulogia? Living in a real network negate framework . Framework or frame greatly affect and determine the images in the middle. The modern world but only managed to build a framework for certain people who have status, wealth, etc.. In the postmodern world, the framework is no longer needed and the more there is no limit. How do I generate eulogia if so?
First, our words in the church should be a good greeting words and build. A child living with autism and the world of his own voice. Survey shows more and more children with autism who were born in America in this 21st century. Philosophically, children with autism is caused because the world is increasingly onelogos. Alive with sound and his own world. If an autistic child can be taken out of his world, so he can grow as an extraordinary person to be a blessing. However, even this most basic step is not easy to do. When we meet, we need to prepare for the good words. Delivering the good word, we need to build a desire that in accordance with God's truth. Because the talk related to human desires. Church Father Augustine explains when a man began to learn the words, man declared his desire. Language directly related to the desire man. When there is no desire or physical exhaustion, we become lazy to speak. Thus, the reason was that many relationships are damaged.
Second, in 1 Peter 3:8, Peter advised that the church has a desire to apply the brotherly love. Unanimous, as is the basic strength to build eulogia. He hooked a good word with good wishes. That is why, a marketing sales were trained to build a great passion with the power of language when it introduced its product. Here is a good word is not just a character, but as the power in building eulogia.
Third, the desire that both encouraged and arising from the redemptive power of Christ. Desire is well built when we can "repay evil with goodness." Here we understand the atonement of Christ, by declaring our lives as agents of change in this world. A British philosopher, Thomas Reid to explain this with an illustration of the object of zinc (Zn), which will be incorporated into the acid solution. Zinc was immediately changed and dissolved in acid. Acids that have enormous power to change. However, the acid only had the power to alter, but do not have the power to not change (power without freedom). That's why the great figures (eg, Hitler, Lenin, Musolini, etc..) Had a huge talent in the world to be an agent of change, but do not have freedom. This is where the church should function as change agents who have the freedom to repay evil with goodness. Church history proves that the early church suffered persecution can continue to survive until today. The concept of death (martyrdom) it becomes a strength when they were thrown into the arena at the time of Emperor Nero would prefer not to resist, but to pray and sing in the name of God. For Nero, an interesting spectacle for him is when they fight. However, the martyrs that was the agent of change when they prefer to suffer for doing good against evil (1 Peter 3:17). The concept of the Romans in the time of Nero, who considers death to be a victory of glory and power is changing.
In the midst of the world whose voices are not clear, then called the church acted as agents of change in this world. Man was created not only as omnivorous, but as verbivorous, namely the words of the good life (Sincere). The church must be prepared to rethink the church structure that can accommodate parishioners who can speak up and it all serves. In the midst of times that more and more voices are onelogos or the network (web), then the call to pastor the church is that there are voices in it.
When the Bible explains that Jesus is the Prophet, Priest, and King, the church actually has a call that is kingly. Characteristics of a king in the story of the kings of the Old Testament in the Bible, the ordination (Coronation) and consultation . Ordination is useful and acceptable if the king's voice be heard by the masses, so that the king should be keeping his voice heard by the people. If not, then the king should get off because people were no longer audible. Then, a king had to manage incoming sounds to him because he needed votes (verbivorus). However, the voice which must be accepted? In this case a king must consult with the true prophets voice (the word of God).
The Church must always be ready to hear and constantly consult with the word of God, so the church can function as agents of change. Interruption in the call as a kingly king only when a sick or dead (dying), because he did not want to go down even though his voice no longer heard. Presumably the church must understand this will be his call to keep her voice heard in the world that is increasingly unclear. Do not let the church become sick and coma without the word of God news for the world.
"But in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord! Be willing and ready at all times to give an answer to every man who asks you for the answers to the hope that is you, but must be gently and respectfully. "(1 Pet. 3:15)
Church calls the second one is apologia, which means give an answer. When in church understanding life, there are two circles that need attention. Into the circle, is to build a good word (eulogia) with relationship in the church. Good words are better built than the desire to shepherd the voices in the church to become an echo of the truth of God's word. Outside the circle to give an answer to these questions outside the church (apologia). So relantionship arise when the church faces challenges from outside. That is why, the church called and sent forth into the world so that his presence continually intersect with the world. Which is greater, the church or the world? World as the universe is a creation of God, and the church are God's children. At the time outside the church, the church needs to give an answer to the questions of the world.
In history, man always has a lot of questions. A person who asks is a man of thought. What does it mean to think? That means he asked, to think is to ask. When linked with the words of Peter to get ready in providing accountability, the task is to shepherd the church voices in the world. The voices were full of questions. A philosopher thinks Christians can not think and have no logic, because they do not dare to ask questions and give answers to things that are outside its territory. The question is, whether a Christian could think?
The Church must have the courage to question and think that could be herd voices outside the church, not just on the inside. As Peter advised the church to always be ready to give an answer. Picture used is the context in court. Peter connects Jesus' words in Luke 17. When we are brought to court, do not be afraid because the Holy Spirit will give an answer. In court, all the facts and the answers to these questions will find the truth. Departing from this context, the duty to give an answer to the question of the present world is not in the context of the court but to everybody, and in everyday life. We remember Peter's experience when faced with questions and accusations as a follower of Jesus. He was not ready and deny Jesus. This event does not occur in court but in everyday life. The Church is now being challenged to give an answer to the outside world, the institutions, structures, and so forth.
In modern times, challenging the church from the outside world (from without), for example, from the university talking about Darwinism. At that time, the church can still survive because they still have their own boundaries. However, in the postmodern era the world challenging the church from within by using the themes discussed the church's outside. They address themes such as the church's forgiveness, gift, vision, mission and so on. They discuss it all without Christ.
Currently in the United States in particular is growing in the Western world that is emerging church with the character Brian McClaren, as an illustration of the postmodern church. They are people who are aware of the situation outside. So, a group of Christian young people in England think that Christians become spiritual only in the church, the church may not survive. They struggled to bring spirituality and transcendence outside the church. Today might be called the church age. The concept of the church is changing. Church can be present everywhere, like in the café, office. and so forth. This shows the spiritual movement can be brought anywhere, so do not be surprised if the preachers dressed very casual when it brought the word of God. Since then, the church today need one heart, is active in the postmodern era in apologet because it provides the widest opportunity for all people willing to hear anything. On this day the problem is only a matter of taste, like or dislike, not about what is right. The problem is, whether the church could answer these questions? Apologia how this can be done?
First, with in good deeds (1 Pet. 3:13). The church must believe in the power of goodness. The problem is now that we've blurred the language of our faith over good. When good is no longer enough, then there is a better word or the best . The Bible says God is good, not the best or better. If we see the development of film in modern times, that goodness will always be victorious over evil. But his character is described in do not need to have good morals. Film postmodern challenge the modern pattern. Postmodern films always end with no clear, unending story. There is no good that can nullify evil. Crime will always come back. These challenges need to be answered the church, that there is power in doing good by being a participant in his testimony. The Word of God can be expressed, if we do good, who would do evil to us.
Second, to have the readiness to suffer and endure something that should not be our responsibility as Christ. Peter connects this truth with the sanctification of Christ in our hearts. Peter spoke about the concept of the priesthood of the church (Priestly) who must sanctify himself. Letter of 1 Peter 3:13-14 explains that the concept of the church's willingness to suffer is not as a victim, but as an oblation (offering). Context, is to affirm the priesthood of believers who are suffering as a sacrifice acceptable to God. Call the priesthood (Priestly) is expressed in the actions of the church as a testimony of good deeds and sufferings as an offering call. Interruptions to a priest was when he became passive in providing apologia. Examples of Eli who did not dare rebuke the sins of his children, so that the result of generations of the priesthood of Eli disappears. When the church became unable to speak (passive) and can not perform the function of this priest, the church will lose generations of young children in the future.
Generations of young children in the present need guidance and direction, when they prefer the phone call rather than voice calls God. Just as parents should use his authority as a parent to keep talking sternly to his son, and when a child realizes his parents still need sound, then the true values of the church property can be maintained. The priest must be ready to uphold the truth of God in God's people. Should be a mission church in and outside the church itself with a shepherd he was hearing voices. Postmodern world it provides challenges that the church should be a mission field of the church itself. The priest should always be active and ready to do good and also be ready to suffer, because it is the gift of grace given by God.
For Christ also died once for our sins, He is true to the people who are not true, that He might bring us to God; He, who was murdered in his circumstances as a man, but that has been resurrected by the Spirit, and in He was also in the Spirit go preach the gospel to the spirits in prison, that is to the spirits of those who once were at the time of Noah did not obey God, when God is still waiting patiently for the time Noah was preparing the ark, where only a few, namely eight men, who were saved by the flood. Also you are now saved by allegory, that is baptism - that is not to clean up bodily impurity, but to invoke the good conscience to God - by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who sits on the right hand of God, after He ascended into heaven after all the angels, conquered the power and strength unto Him. "(1 Pet. 3:18-22)
The theme of preaching (kerugma) into something important for the church today. Call the church was not only her and her apologia eulogia alone, but the news has to be submitted. The news was not just a voice I can hear or not hear me. Perspective is not just a silent voice (sounding) or silent (silent), but in the midst of noise (noise) of the world, the church can still be voicing the interests of news. Therefore, every believer has kerygmatik character in him. The Apostle Peter's preaching associate (kerugma) is a Christ who preached to the spirits in prison, [1] are the days of Noah (the days of Noah) who is not ready to hear the news.
The Gospel of Luke chapter 17 gives an explanation of human life the days of Noah be busy with their own lives and do not care about the word says the Lord. Like Noah himself, he shouted amid the noise of the time to voice the word of God. At that time people lived only in body, flesh, that is just relating to food and sex, so they shut my ears to the news conveyed to his contemporaries of Noah. At the time the news was delivered, the challenge facing the church struggles of life and the human body (desire). Both the above requirement must be completed before the Lord, because the body does not only deal with those needs, but needs to hear the word of God. Here is the call of the church concerning the role of prophecy (Prophetic). How the news can be delivered with a point of departure from the human need for God's truth?
First, use your body to God-given mission. In the case of Cain and Abel about the sacrifices acceptable to God (Genesis 4:2), Abel's role as a prophet, while Cain was a man who wrestled from the ground (a Tiller of the ground) is not just farmers. Cain departed from the struggles of his body, and he was thinking of offering to God from the bottom to find answers to the above. This became the basic reason why God is not pleased over the offerings. Paul says that the body was halal (lawful) because the human body's creation of God (1 Cor. 6:12). The problem is more fundamental than about food and sex is whether the body needs we fulfill God's mission.
The body has a mission not only to struggle with sin but as a tool to execute the will of God. World interesting in the extreme to make the body as a fulfillment of a lifestyle of hedonism or vice versa by withdrawing as an act of asceticism. Paul said that although all kosher, but not all of them useful even kosher. The word "useful" is derived from the word sumpero, which means be with, be together, be one. This word will describe a bond covenants of the body that must be worn for communion. Therefore, Paul explained that sex can not be separated from the marriage bond that unites inside the human body. In a world that uses the body, there are tasks that must be preached kerugma through the body to serve the Lord. When the body is separated from an alliance, it is no longer workable kerugma. We must avoid the sound or word that can make us no longer be able to fellowship with fellow human beings.
Second, the truth of the news kerugma be heard by the world. In 1 Peter 3:1 described the situation in which there are spirits in prison. News kerugma church that has been fulfilled by Jesus Christ has the power to convey the truth to the spirit world. Peter describes the state of people who have heard but refused to accept the true story eventually die with satisfaction. They need to realize that the news they reject it is the truth. News that the church conveyed was that of the God of hosts that must be accepted by everyone. Most of the philosophers of Europe are people who do not care about God, but they really studied the Bible. Does the church was earnestly giving a true kerugma to the world, not just sounds sweet home (eulogia) or self-defense (apologia). The Church has the truth of the news can not help but to be conveyed to the world.
Third, the church must engage in a prophetic voice in conveying kerugma. Kerugma church duties related to the duties of a prophet who delivered the word of God. A prophet is responsible for shepherding the events in this life by way of interpretation. For example, when the Old Testament prophets had to interpret events Babylonian exile and occupation of Israel, the prophet is very important voice to be heard so that Israel return to the Lord. The problem now is, where is the prophetic voice in the church today? In this context, the church had to dig a wealth of truth (kerugma) God is preached to the world. The Church today is more important to discuss the issue than the truth of God's word. Costs can be as screws that can bind and fetter the church. However, when the truth the more we think will be more liberating.
Interruption of the duty of prophethood is false (counterfeit) from the voice of truth itself. That's why so many false prophets in the Bible story for more listeners find the sound more than they want to hear God's truth. Postmodern world really opens up the voices of falsehood, because the truth becomes relative to one another. The Lord Jesus said, "I am the true vine" (John 15:1). The word "right" here wear alethinos said pointing to the truest truth. There is only one real truth in the world, the news about the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ. Kerygma ministries would continue to be able to run this kerugma task in his vocation, so that the truth of the news can be heard and accepted by the world.
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